Bristol Trials Centre (BTC)
BTC is a clinical trial unit , offering a wide range of expertise in trials methodology, study design and study management.
How we work
We work in partnership with Chief Investigators and their associated teams from initial design through to publication of primary results. We provide expertise in trial methodology, statistics, qualitative research and health economics research.
Our studies
BTC has a strong track record of leading world class clinical trials. With a diverse portfolio, we are experts in the design and conduct of high-quality pragmatic randomised controlled trials using innovative trial design.
We will consider applications for collaboration on any studies that will have a positive impact on decision making for policy makers, patients and clinicians.
“The Bristol Trials Centre’s ultimate vision is to accelerate improvements in global health.
We will do this by building world class clinical trial teams that evaluate health and care related interventions and services that will have international impact.”

About the Centre

For researchers